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Programming and Data Structures for Data Science 🖥

DSC 20, Fall 2024 at UC San Diego

Marina Langlois

Marina Langlois


Lecture: MWF 10:00-10:50AM (A00) / 11:00-11:50AM (B00), PETER 104

Discussion: Wednesday 7:00-7:50PM (A02) / 8:00-8:50PM (B02), WLH 2204

Office Hours: By appointment (just drop me an email and we can find a good time to chat)

🎉 Welcome to the Fall 2024 offering of DSC 20!
This course introduces you to the foundations of programming and data structures. In particular, DSC20 is an introductory course taught in Python 3 and covers topics like recursion, higher-order functions, object-oriented programming, simple data structures. Hope you will enjoy this course!